Diamond Drilling Suffolk
Nov 2019 – As the year is nearly over and the nights are drawing in we wanted to look at some of the diamond drilling projects we have worked on in Suffolk. Going over the preceding 10 months has shown that we have undertaken many diamond drilling Suffolk jobs. These range from the standard couple of trial holes to determine the floor slab thicknesses through to complex drilling of holes for new Eco electricity digestion plants.
Firstly, As a rough guide 70% of our Diamond Drilling Suffolk work is standard drilling up to 150mm in diameter. These are mainly used for soil pipes through refurbishment building or new build flats and apartments. This work is very common for us and is usually priced on a price per hole rate to enable the client to keep track of the costs in relation to the number of holes we core.
Secondly, the next 20% is centered around drilling large diameter holes up to 500mm in diameter. These are used for one off pieces of plant or equipment or to provide access holes. These larger diameter holes are mostly for large diameter pipes on sewage treatment works or drilling of manhole chambers. They are generally found in industrial premises or sites and are priced on a job specific basis.
Thirdly, the final 10% of our diamond drilling Suffolk works are the odd ball works. These are in the form of smaller diameters or stitch drilling to form larger openings. For instance the smaller holes are often used to remove studs from an industrial unit floor or for new handrails. The stitch drilling aspect is for cable tray openings or even a new lift opening which could not be saw cut. These take longer to complete and are priced on a individual basis.
At Drill Masters we have a few different drill motors to use depending on the size of hole to be drilled as well as the depth and substance we are drilling. Therefore we use Weka handheld and stand mounted drill motors as well as hydraulic motors for larger diameters. However, we do use other drill machines depending on what is required.
In conclusion, Drill Masters have undertaken a huge variety of different diamond drilling works throughout Suffolk and it always surprises us the requirements of our services. Drill Masters are expert diamond drilling and concrete cutting specialists operating throughout Essex, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. For more information on our range of services contact us here.