Floor Sawing Norfolk

Floor Sawing Norfolk

Project : Diamond Cutting edge of Prom

Location : Bacton Promenade, Norfolk

Client : North Norfolk District Council

Floor Sawing Norfolk

Floor Saw on the Prom

North Norfolk District Council in conjunction with Bacton Gas Terminal is undertaking £22M project to replenish the beach with sand between the Bacton gas terminal and Walcott village.  The scheme is designed to protect the sea cliffs ranging from the gas terminal down to Walcott by pumping 1.5 billion cubic meters of sand onto the beach. more details of the project can be found on the councils website under Sandscaping scheme.  As part of the larger project Drill Masters were contracted to diamond cut 300mm off the edge of the promenade as at high tide the sea was getting under the concrete slabs and its shear force was lifting the whole slab of the prom.  This was due to the design of the promande, which was made up of piling sheets buried into the ground and then backfilled and a reinforced concrete slab 250mm thick fitted on top and tided into the piling sheets with 20mm rebar.  The problem was caused by the corrugated design of the piling sheet meaning the waves, at high tide, would fit between the corrugated ridges and be forced up onto the underside of the concrete slab.  Over time this force was so great it was able to lift the complete prom slab causing a trip hazard.  By cutting the edge off the waves were then unable to get underneath the slab and so couldn’t lift it up.

Floor Sawing Norfolk

The Waves hitting Sea wall

In total there was over 200LM of cutting to be achieved and the works were restricted as they could only be undertaken once the tide had rescinded from the prom, which altered on a daily basis.  Another complication was the need for a harness to be worn due to the close proximity to the promenade edge which in some places had a drop of over 1M to the beach below.  Other restricting factors included the fact that the work area was 1km from the nearest prom access point, no equipment or machinery could be left at the work location as the area was covered by the sea at high tide and the water for the cutting had to be fed from a bowser which was filled in the village.  In total what sounds like a straight forward job of floor sawing 200LM of RC slab to a depth of 250mm was one of the most complicated operational exercises Drill Masters has ever undertaken due to the changing times on site, the time to get all the equipment to the cutting zone, organising the water, operating with a harness and then knowing when to stop work to get everything back before the tide was too high.  This was a great project to be involved in and a big credit to the floor sawing Norfolk team for achieving it successfully.

Drill Masters are expert Diamond Drilling and Concrete Cutting specialists and can assist with any diamond drilling, floor sawing or concrete removal project within Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk.  Contact us here for assistance.  For more information on our range of diamond coring services and how we can help your project visit the services section of our website.

Floor Sawing Norfolk

The prom cracked

Floor Sawing Norfolk

Edge of Prom

Floor Sawing Norfolk

Floor Saw

Floor Sawing Norfolk

Diamond Cut edge

Floor Sawing Norfolk

The power of the sea

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This is the account we post to from the Drill Masters website.